Phone number: +39 049 5564994
Via E. Majorana, 4 Z.I. - 35010 Cadoneghe (PD)


All the latest news

At Levorato, we are eager keep you up to date with the latest news about our company. We believe that what we communicate to our customers must also be known to those who follow us online.

The News section of our website is designed to keep you up to date about events, new products and the latest developments in our world. On this page you will find a user-friendly gallery that will take you to all the latest news articles and make your navigation easy.

We are at your service

Found something interesting and want to know more about it? Want to contact us directly to receive more information? Remember we are always here for you!

We’ve been making abrasive products for over 30 years and have always had our customers’ interests in mind. You can email us or call us. Our staff will be happy to provide all the information you need.

To find our address and all our contact details, look here.

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